Saturday 2 January 2016


One of my favourite things to do is make plans. I love writing lists, researching, making charts and dreaming about big things. However, most of these things never happen. Even as I'm researching, I'm very aware that these things will probably never come to pass, at least on the timeline I'm giving it. So New Year's resolutions always come up (in addition to the birthday "things I'll do" that I'd already forgotten about), and by year end I realize that most of them, of not all of them, haven't happened. 

So this year I'm going to try something different -- instead of any resolutions, I'm going to try out 12 challenges. This way I don't have to try and stick to something for the entire year. I can try it out and then see if I'm willing to continue. I'll have to do each challenge at least once in 2016 for at least one month. Additionally, there is no limit to how many challenges I can do at once. Technically, I can do all 12 in January and be done with it. Hopefully this is a better way for me to commit (and check them off my list). So here they are, in no particular order: 

2016 Challenges

1. Drink 2 litres of water a day
2. Embrace my hair's natural texture twice a week
3. Read every day
4. Bring a bagged lunch every day
5. Go vegetarian every second day
6. Unplug after 10pm
7. Go to bed before 11pm
8. Save $100 a week
9. Commit a random act of kindness every day
10. Exercise 3x a week
11. Practice the guitar daily
12. Write every second day

(Top photo from Print Happy Studio)

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